Mandir Closed At 12 noon to 2 pm --- Annadan Every thrusday and Monday Evening --- Amitji Available Every Saturday and Sunday.

Offer Pooja
!! Om Shri Sairam !!
Devotees can now sponsor POOJA based on the below charges to the Temple
!! Om Shri Sairam !!

1. Please Visit :
2. E-Mail :
3. E-Mail :


Services offered Charges(USD-$) Charges(Rs.) Comments/Note
1 day – one time Pooja5301
Special pooja – 1 day10501
One month daily pooja503000
13 month Sai Vrat Pooja – Monthly once201100
13 month Sai Vrat – daily pooja50030,000
Annadaan on Thursdays50(Min)3000(Min)
Annadaan on special occasions500-75030,000-50,000Gurupournami/data jayanthi etc days.
Offering Paisam to Baba10500Preferably on Thursdays.
Anniversary or Birthday Pooja503000
Annadaan on Anniversary or Birthday30022,500Will be served to 50-100 People
Requesting Udi from Shibpur to anywhere out of India 11 500 This includes only postal Charges.UDI is free.
Requesting Udi from Shibpur to any city in India - 50 This includes only postal Charges.UDI is free.
Offer dress to baba, any day 50 3000
Offer dress to Baba on special occasions 50 3000 Please inform atleast 3-5 days prior to your choosen date.
Appoint a priest for yourself – monthly 100 6500 This priest will clean the Temple.offer bhog and pooja to baba,reading of Sai Satcharitra on the devotees name.(group of any number of devotees can do this together
Appoint a priest for yourself – daily 10 500

devotees can offer any amount higher than above mentioned if they wish to.
NOTE 1: If any person has problems offering even a small amount to Baba then please contact Amitji and he can surely offer a pooja free of cost to Baba. There is no mandatory rule that anyone needs to pay.

NOTE 2: Any devotee who is offering donations to the temple construction or Annadaan will get a Udi prasad and the donation receipt. In this case please note to send your name, address and phone number to or

NOTE 3: Any gifts to the priest or to the local people of the village can be given only after consulting with Amitji or the Shibpur trust members as good conduct.

NOTE 4: Please note that Amitji has his own family to take care of in Krishnanagar and so it is not possible for him to perform pooja for everyone at the temple. The temple priest can perform the pooja if you want to offer it on a particular day and date. Amitji can still perform pooja based on his availability.

NOTE 5: If any devotee is desiring and praying for Job at Shibpur, as a best practice to Baba, please see if you can offer your 1st month's salary at Shibpur. You can wish to do so splitting this into 3 month's as well. If this is not comfortable then atleast some part of your income should be offered as a good conduct.

NOTE 6: Devotees can also donate for the social welfare. The funds will be used for funding the poor children who wish to study or for elderly persons or for medical camps etc.

> For Further details, Please –

> Call Amitji +91 9800500014 (Please call this new number arrow +91 9091335151 / +91 9733665151)

> Email – OR/AND

Devotees Can Contact AmitJi at The Below Phone Number and Email Addresses
E-mail :
Phone : +91 9800500014 (Please call this new number arrow +91 9091335151 / +91 9733665151) (What's App)
Devotees Abroad Can Our Shibpur Representatives In The USA :
Mr. Aditya : + 1 (732)-9396545 USA (Mobile & What's App)
Ms. Jayasree,: +447861 997799 UK (Mobile & What's App)